Monday, April 25, 2011


" These "Schlösser der Liebe" ( Locks of Love ) can be found at the Hohenzollernbrücke in Cologne, Germany. Each lock has the names of the two lovers written on, the key gets thrown into the Rhein river then. As a symbol for eternal love.

You can find these as well in Italy as an example...
Or something similar even in Moscow, Russia, known as the "Love Trees": "

description : Francis Mueller
picture : muck
all courtesy of :

Holiday it is. I've been using my time to do some activities which will give me good impacts. I've been exercising, cooking ( I've improved a lot, if you've read my previous posts ), reading, and surprisingly, writing.

Inspired by the great scripts written by people who wrote scripts of any great movies and tv series, I tried to start writing. In order to do that, I tried to figure out what type of story I'm gonna be writing. It occured to me that fast that if I'm gonna write something, it has to be criminals or else around it.

Heaps of time I've used to write twelve pages and I realized that while I was writing, I was being true to myself either. It's kind of a self discovering because when I write, I know more about me. It makes me interested more in me in a good way, I know for sure I'm gonna have to dig in to my personality even more.

I found that I have a great interest in symbols. Literally, and not literally. I love ancient symbols, it is remarkable just to think of the way people used to think back in those days. But I'm also interested in life symbols, symbols like behavior, ways to speak, body languages etc., symbols that can help me read what other people is thinking. With symbols, I can now whether that person is scared, happy, nervous, or maybe they're in love.

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